Romero, Jersie Megan 의 감사편지
필리핀관리자 | 작성일 : 2023.06.07 16:58 | 조회수 : 1,135  

Dear Dr. Yoon, Dr. Park and CHK Sponsors,

I am now officially a college graduate. 

Time do passes by like a blink of an eye. Still, everything feels like a dream to me. Who would've thought that I would make it this far? Who would've even thought that I'll make it? You were a few of those people who put their trust in me. Who, without a doubt, supported me without asking for anything grand in return. 

As I try to venture how I manage to make it this far, I couldn't help but visit my memory of where I first met you. I was anxious as to how would you feel about meeting me. I was scared that I wouldn't make a good impression in your presence. What if you wouldn't consider me to be your scholar? I was drowning with all of those infinite what-ifs and almost sink with them. It just so happened that when I dip myself into a puddle of water, you were already reaching for me.

Thank you, Dr. Yoon and Dr. Park. For the past four years of raising us, trusting us, and loving us unconditionally. You gave life new meaning to me, that someone will always find the best in you. And that person doesn't need to be someone you expect to be, sometimes, maybe even always? it's the person we least expect it from.

Honestly, the past few months have been really hard for me. It was a series of heartbreak, disappointment, and loss. The Teaching Internship taught me that things don't just work the way we wanted them to. Then comes disappointment, the feeling of guilt for merely giving my best and expecting to be rewarded? it was shameful. And just when I thought it couldn't get any harder, I lose my favorite cat. Then I am reminded that yes, I might be troubled by all of those fearsome emotions? but I still have you, Dr. Yoon, Dr. Park, and our dear sponsors? who with unfailing devotion, care for us like how we are supposed to care for ourselves.

You made me realize that maybe I am too hard on myself. You instill kindness in me, that regardless of the person's social standing, I should regard them with compassion. You taught me the real meaning of reward, that I don't have to be perfect for us to be treated special. That sometimes when feel like I don't deserve everything that I am having, you always call for a celebration. Thank you for acknowledging my efforts, for praising me, and for making me reach this proud moment of my life. Words of gratitude won't suffice everything you have given us. Apart from the material things that you have shared to us, the genuine concern of our welfare is the most I am thankful for.

Whenever I think that I don't deserve to be granted your help, you help me even more. It is your constant act of service that made Chain of Hope Korea grow into this fruitious foundation. Your outmost extension of love to my family, co-scholars, and ate Dimple inspires me to do my part. Not just a scholar but also as a future educator who will instill a love for learning, growth, and acceptance to my future learners. 

I would also like to take this as an opportunity to sincerely apologize for not  making it into the Magma Cum Laude awardee. I'm sorry. I know I could have done better and I know you are proud of me. It just hurts me because you've provided more than enough, but I barely made a claim for my title. Still, thank you for recognizing my academic standing.

Even if I will be spending less time with my Chain of Hope Korea family, I will hold so dear to my heart the memories that we shared together during those four years. For those years I felt a sense of belongingness with people whose passion became their legacy. 

Dr. Yoon and Dr. Park, thank you so much for bringing me into your life! I hope this letter finds you in good health. I will never forget this family. 

Your Scholar,

Jersie Megan Romero

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